Cookies Policy

At Darklines we consider it important that you know what cookies we use on our website, but also for what reasons we use them. Our goal is your proper information, but also your best navigation experience on our site.


We use cookies to improve the operation of the, your proper browsing, your easy connection and your smooth movement to its individual pages. At the same time, cookies allow us to present you with advertising and educational content, relevant to your interests and needs.

Also, our cookies help us analyze how visitors use our site, how they browse and where they find it difficult, so that we can improve them. In this way we can constantly optimize the operation of our e-shop and deal with any problems that may arise. All information collected by these cookies is only used to improve your shopping experience, as well as the structure and content of the


Cookies are pieces of information in the form of very small text,
are stored in the browser you use on your PC, Smartphone or tablet (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.), helping the more efficient operation of our site. Cookies do not in any way cause damage to users’ computers, nor to the files stored on them. The information stored in cookies is used solely for identification and optimization purposes.


Necessary Cookies

They allow the execution of basic functions of the site, such as adding products to the cart, electronic payment and saving products to the wish-list. Without these absolutely necessary Cookies, the smooth operation of the e-shop is directly affected, but your personal navigation experience is also degraded, since basic e-commerce
functions are underperforming.

Functionality cookies

These cookies “memorize” your preferences while browsing our site, so that we can recommend the appropriate products based on your needs. With these cookies you enjoy a personalized version of the, making it much easier to find what you are looking for.

Statistical Cookies

Statistical cookies or analytics cookies are a subset of functionality cookies and enable us to evaluate the effectiveness of the various functions of our site in order to continuously improve the experience we offer you.

Promotional Cookies

Promotional cookies are used to “serve” ads more relevant to you and your interests. In other words, they are used to send targeted advertising, in order to limit mass, unwanted and meaningless advertising messages.

Cookie settings

From your account control panel you can change your cookie settings.



Darklines tattoo supplies collects and processes the above information solely for the purposes described above for which you have consented. The processing that is done is absolutely necessary and is done exclusively by the competent employees of the company. The company may use for its purposes processing other persons who, however, undertake to carry out only the processing requested from time to time
in accordance with this and the law. Your data may be sent to other countries within or outside the EU for the processing purposes for which you have consented. Processors within the EU are bound by Regulation 2016/679/EC (Regulation) and their contract with us, which ensure the security of the data and their processing in accordance with the consent you give. Outside the EU
Our company follows the provisions of the Regulation regarding the sending of data outside the EU to ensure that the processing is done in accordance with the law and your consent. The company has taken all necessary measures to ensure that your data is secure and access to it is restricted in accordance with the law. We will keep your data for a period of 10 years unless otherwise provided by law. You have the ability to communicate with the company whenever you want to:
to be informed about your personal data, to request their modification, or the cessation of their use or their deletion in whole or in part or their portability as defined by law. Please contact us at tel. 2118508667, or e-mail or in our store. You have the right, in case you consider that the processing carried out is not in accordance with the above, to seek the protection of the Personal Data Authority.